Assam Don Bosco University

Dr. Sarat Kumar Chettri

Assistant Professor (stage III)


Designation : Assistant Professor (stage III)
Department : Computer Applications
Date of Joining : 2012-10-08
Qualification : Ph.D (CSE, Tezpur University)


Teaching : 17 Years
Teaching details :
1. Assistant Professor (Selection.), Department of Computer Applications, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, Assam, October 2012 till date.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of CS, Saint Mary’s College, Shillong, Meghalaya, May 2007 to October 2012.
3. Assistant Professor, Department of CS, Shillong College, Shillong, Meghalaya, May 2006 - May 2007.
Area of Interest :
Health Informatics, Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Science
Research : 10 Years

Award / Recognition / Achievement / Professional Membership / Grant

  1. Achievement - Project on Leveraging Digital Tools and Technologies to Alleviate COVID-19 Pandemic
    Awarded on 2020-07-03
    Awarded by World Pandemic Research Network, IAS, Paris
    - World Pandemic Research Network, WPRN-466952, 2020-07-03 At 07h47 (GMT)
    Grant Amount NA
  2. Grant - Comparative Study on Microaggregation Techniques for Microdata Protection
    Awarded on 2011-05-11
    Awarded by UGC
    - Status- Completed
    Grant Amount INR 1.2 lakhs
  3. Other - Privacy Preserving Data Mining Techniques
    Awarded on 2009-02-11
    Awarded by AICTE
    Reason Worked as scholar under the Research Promotion Scheme (RPS)
    Grant Amount INR 500000
  4. Professional membership - Expert Committee Member of Statistical Disclosure Control (National)
    Awarded on 2015-12-22
    Awarded by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoS&PI) Govt. of India
    - Role: To draft national policy on Data Protection in India - Digital India Programme
    Grant Amount NA
  5. Professional membership - Indian Science Congress
    Awarded on 2009-04-16
    Awarded by Indian Science Congress Association

    Grant Amount NA

Conference / Workshop / Symposium / Training

  1. Paper Presenter in Conference - 3rd International Conference on Computer networks, Big Data and IoT [ICCBI 2021] (International)
    Organised at Madurai from 2020-12-15 to 2020-12-16
  2. Paper Presenter in Conference - Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (International)
    Organised at JAIPUR from 2020-09-08 to 2020-09-10
    Organised at ADBU from 2016-02-26 to 2016-02-27
  4. Participant in Conference - National Conference on New Approaches of Basic Sciences towards the DEvelopment of Engineering and TEchnology (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2015-02-27 to 2015-02-28
  5. Participant in Conference - Distributed and Cloud Computing (National)
    Organised at Royal School of Engg. & Technology from 2014-08-16 to 2014-08-16
  6. Paper Presenter in Conference - 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics (International)
    Organised at Kolkata from 2014-06-24 to 2014-06-26
  7. Participant in Conference - National Conference on Emerging Global Trends in Engineering and TEchnology (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2014-03-07 to 2014-03-08
  8. Paper Presenter in Conference - International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (International)
    Organised at Bangalore from 2012-12-19 to 2012-12-20
  9. Paper Presenter in Conference - 96th Indian Science Congress (National)
    Organised at NEHU from 2009-01-03 to 2009-01-07
  10. Participant in Training - Short Term Training Program through ICT Mode on NBA Accreditation (National)
    Organised at NITTTR, Kolkata from 2019-04-22 to 2019-04-26
  11. Participant in Training - Foundation Program in ICT for Education, IIT Bombay (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2017-08-03 to 2017-09-07
  12. Participant in Training - Android Developer Fundamentals by Google (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2017-05-17 to 2017-05-21
  13. Participant in Training - Big Data Training Program, By Data Brio Academy, Kolkata (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2015-05-01 to 2015-05-07
  14. Participant in Training - IBM Rational Software Architect, By IBM (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2013-07-18 to 2013-07-21
  15. Conference Chair in Workshop - National Level Summer Internship on AI, ML, and Cyber Security (NAMCS-2024). (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2024-06-27 to 2024-07-26
  16. Invited Speaker in Workshop - Two-Weeks National Workshop cum Summer Internship on IoT and Android Applications Development (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2019-06-11 to 2019-06-23
  17. Invited Speaker in Workshop - Data Analytics Using Python (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2019-04-27 to 2019-05-04
  18. Participant in Workshop - ISI-ADBU Summer School on Soft Computing Paradigm and Machine Intelligence Techniques (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2016-07-07 to 2016-07-11
  19. Participant in Workshop - IOT capacity Building, By CDAC Pune (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2016-05-26 to 2016-05-27
  20. Invited Speaker in Workshop - National Workshop Cum Summer Internship on Web Applications Development (National)
    Organised at ADBU, Guwahati from 2015-06-01 to 2015-06-15
  21. Participant in Workshop - Introduction to Design of Algorithms (National)
    Organised at IIT, Kharagpur from 2015-03-16 to 2015-03-20
  22. Invited Speaker in Workshop - Refresher Course on Programming Basics Using C and C++ (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2014-10-13 to 2014-11-20
  23. Invited Speaker in Workshop - National Level Workshop cum Summer Inernship on Web Applications DEvelopment (National)
    Organised at ADBU from 2014-06-02 to 2014-06-14

Research and Publication

  1. S. Kr. Chettri, Data Science With Python, Notion Press, volume 1, pages 336, 2021
    Indexing - Others,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN , ISBN 978-8885033757,
  2. Book Chapter
  3. MANSOOR, C.M.M. , CHETTRI, S.K. , NALEER, H.M.M., A Remote Health Monitoring System for the Elderly Based on Emerging Technologies, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering , springer, volume 1061, pages 513-524, 2023
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,, Impact factor - na
    ISSN , ISBN Mansoor, C.M.M. , Chettri, S.K. , Naleer, H.M.M.,
  4. D. Debnath, S.K. Chettri, a. K. dutta, Security and Privacy Issues in Internet of Things, Fong, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) ICT Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, volume 314, pages 1-8, 2022
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - na
    ISSN , ISBN 978-981-16-5654-5,
  5. B. Paul, S.K. Chettri, Smart City:: recent advances and research issues, Lecture notes in networks and systems, springer, volume 204, pages 77-92, 2021
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,UGC list,Others,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN 978-981-16-1394-4, ISBN ,
  6. D. debath, s. k. chettri, Internet of Things: Current Research, Challenges, Trends and Applications, Algorithms for intelligent systems, Springer, volume 15, pages 679-694, 2021
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN , ISBN 978-981-33-4604-8,
  7. D. Debnath, S. K. Chettri, Blockchain: Application Domains, Research Issues and Challenges, Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Springer, volume 66, pages 115-129, 2021
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN , ISBN 978-981-16-0965-7,
  8. S.k. chettri, The Unified Modeling Language (UML)-I, Fundamentals of Web Application Projects, volume 1, pages 177-194, 2016
    Indexing - Others,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN , ISBN 9789380247328,
  9. S. K. Chettri, S. Kakati, Collaborative Recommender Systems via User-Item Subgroups, Computer Science, Few Newer Perspectives, Eastern Book House, volume 2, pages 202-212, 2016
    Indexing - Others,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN , ISBN ,
  10. S.k. chettri, Analysis of Distributed Data with Preserved Privacy, Computer Science, Few Newer Perspectives, Eastern Book House, volume 2, pages 185-196, 2016
    Indexing - Others,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN , ISBN ,
  11. S.K. Chettri, B. Borah, Anonymizing Classification Data for Preserving Privacy, Security in Computing and Communications, Springer, volume 536, pages 99-109, 2015
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,UGC list,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN 1865-0929, ISBN ,
  12. S.K. Chettri, b.borah, Privacy Preservation of Time Series Data Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, springer, volume 2, pages 249-258, 2014
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,UGC list,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN 2190-3018, ISBN ,
  13. Conference
  14. CMM Mansoor, S. K Chettri, HMM Naleer, Advancing Heart Disease Prediction through Synergistic Integration of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques, 2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI), volume 5, pages 1-7, 2024
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN , ISBN 979-8-3503-8944-9,
  15. Vaishali Kavathekar Computer Science and Engineering, Assam Don Bosco University, Assam, India,Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Mumbai ; Amiya Kumar Tripathy; Sarat Kumar Chettri, Assessment and Prediction of Urban Pollutants and its Influence on Human Health using Deep Learning Algorithm, IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence of Technology (I2CT), volume 9, pages 1-7, 2024
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN , ISBN 979-8-3503-9447-4,
  16. Dipti Jadhav, Sarat Kumar Chettri, ,Amiya Kumar Tripathy, Unlocking Math Potential: EDSense - A Personalized Intervention Tool for Children with Dyscalculia, Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications, ICACTA, volume 12, pages 1-7, 2024
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,, Impact factor - na
    ISSN , ISBN 979-8-3503-4834-7,
  17. MANSOOR, C.M.M. , CHETTRI, S.K. , NALEER, H.M.M., Predicting Coronary Artery Disease using an Ensemble Voting Model and Machine Learning Techniques, IEEE 9th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems, ICSSS 2023, volume 11, pages 1-6, 2023
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - na
    ISSN , ISBN 979-8-3503-8420-8,
  18. Rup Kumar Deka, Kausthav Pratim Kalita, Sarat Kumar Chettri, Image Representation of Numerical Data-points for Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network, 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS), volume 1, pages 1-6, 2023
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN , ISBN 979-8-3503-2377-1,
  19. Kausthav Pratim Kalita, Sarat Kumar Chettri, Rup Kumar Deka, A Blockchain-based Model for Maternal Health Information Exchange and Prediction of Health Risks using Machine Learning, 2023 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), IEEE, volume 1, pages 1184-1189, 2023
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN , ISBN 978-1-6654-9260-7,
  20. M. Saikia, S. Chakraborty, S. Barman, S. Chettri, Aptitude Question Paper Generator and Answer Verification System, Recent Developments in Machine Learning and Data Analytics, Springer, volume 2, pages 129-136, 2019
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN , ISBN ,
  21. S.k. chettri, b.borah, Extending Microaggregation Technique Towards Protection of Vertically Partitioned Data, Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication, elsevier, volume 1, pages 527-533, 2014
    Indexing - Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN , ISBN 9789351072607,
  22. S.k. chettri, b.borah, An Efficient Microaggregation Method for Protecting Mixed Data, Computer Networks & Communications (NetCom), LNEE, springer, volume 131, pages 249-258, 2013
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN , ISBN ,
  23. S.k. chettri, b.borah, MDAV2k: A Variable Size Microaggregation Technique for Privacy Preservation, Proceedings of First International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (IT, volume 1, pages 105-118, 2012
    Indexing - Google Scholar,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN , ISBN ,
  24. Journal
  25. Sarat Kumar Chettri, Rup Kumar Deka, Manob Jyoti Saikia, Bridging the Gap in the Adoption of Trustworthy AI in Indian Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities, AI - Medical & Healthcare AI, volume 6(1), pages 10, 2025
    Indexing - SCI,Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - 3.1
    ISSN 2673-2688, ISBN ,
  26. V Kavathekar, AK Tripathy, SK Chettri, V Bhanage, Evaluation of land use land cover dynamics and urban heat island effects over Mumbai metropolitan Region, India, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology , volume 5, pages 1-24, 2024
    Indexing - SCI,Scopus,Google Scholar,UGC list,, Impact factor - 3.1
    ISSN 1735-2630, ISBN ,
  27. CMM Mansoor, S. K Chettri, HMM Naleer, Development of an efficient novel method for coronary artery disease prediction using machine learning and deep learning techniques, Technology and Health Care, volume 33, pages 1-25, 2024
    Indexing - SCI,Google Scholar,UGC list,, Impact factor - 1.4
    ISSN 0928-7329, ISBN ,
  28. CMM Mansoor Sarat Kumar Chettri HMM, Grid Search Based Hyperparameter Optimization for Predicting Coronary Artery Disease Using Machine Learning Techniques, Tec Empresarial, volume 6(1), pages 15, 2024
    Indexing - SCI,Scopus,Others,, Impact factor - 1.1
    ISSN 1659-2395, ISBN ,
  29. MANSOOR, C.M.M. , CHETTRI, S.K. , NALEER, H.M.M., Efficient Prediction Model for Cardiovascular Disease Using Deep Learning Techniques, Migration letters, volume 20, pages 449-459, 2023
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - NA
    ISSN 1741-8984, ISBN ,
  30. Mansoor, C.M.M. , Chettri, S.K. , Naleer, H.M.M., Hybrid Ensemble Stacking Techniques for Coronary Artery Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, volume 11, pages 1-11, 2023
    Indexing - Scopus,Others,, Impact factor - na
    ISSN , ISBN ,
  31. A. Bhagat, A. Sharma, S.K. Chettri, Machine Learning Based Sentiment Analysis for Text Messages, International Journal of Computing and Technology, volume 7(6), pages 103-109, 2020
    Indexing - Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN 2348-6090 , ISBN ,
  32. S. K. Chettri, D. Debnath, P. Devi, Leveraging Digital Tools and Technologies to Alleviate COVID-19 Pandemic, SSRN, Elsevier, volume 7, pages 1-10, 2020
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN , ISBN ,
  33. S.k. chettri, d. Mukherjee, Statistical Disclosure Control on Consumer Expenditure Survey: Privacy and Data Utility, Journal of Mathematics and Statistical Science, volume 4, pages 85-96, 2018
    Indexing - Others,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN 2411-2518, ISBN ,
  34. S.k. chettri, b.K. ray, On Analysis of Mixed Data Classification with Privacy Preservation, ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology, volume 4, pages 10-13, 2016
    Indexing - Google Scholar,UGC list,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN 2348-7305, ISBN ,
  35. S.K. Chettri, B. Borah, On Analysis of Time-Series Data with Preserved Privacy, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, Springer, volume 11, pages 155-165, 2015
    Indexing - Scopus,Google Scholar,UGC list,, Impact factor - 1.2
    ISSN 1614-5046, ISBN ,
  36. S.k. chettri, b. paul. a.k. dutta, Statistical Disclosure Control for Data Privacy Preservation, International Journal of Computer Applications, volume 80, pages 38-43, 2013
    Indexing - Google Scholar,Others,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN 0975 8887, ISBN ,
  37. S.K. CHETTRI, B. PAUL. A.K. DUTTA, A Comparative Study on Microaggregation Techniques for Microdata Protection, International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process, volume 2, pages 27-40, 2012
    Indexing - Google Scholar,, Impact factor - 0
    ISSN 2231 - 007X, ISBN ,

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